Thursday, September 24, 2009

Renting a womb? - - Surrogacy - -

wow.... I just realize the the US is legal for surrogacy, which means when women are paid to carry and deliver babies for people who cannot conceive them biologically and the carrier does not have any biological relationship with the baby. Can you believe that. Actually carrying people's baby and do not have any relationship at all. Too crazy....
Ridiculously insane for giving up your body for money. But in some ways, this method help people in different ways I guess. The baby carrier needs the money and the couples that cannot have they child of their own. This is the only benefits of this process.

This is the video I came across on this issue in the US. CRAZY!!!

NOW on PBS - Surrogacy: Wombs for Rent?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

guardian angel

I'm a girl right? I may not act like one but I'm one right?
when a person with found a boyfriend.. there is someone to pick her up from work at nights and the friend's roommate can get the same privilege as well, asking the boyfriend to pick her roommate up from work at nights.
I worked til late at night and no one bother to care for my safety when I'm walking home late at nights. I got scare as well like anyone else. Besides that, I have a guy roommate and I understand that he don't have to care too much, because I'm always so independent by myself and he don't need to take care of me. I need to feel the safe sometimes.
Freaking 2am, walking 10 minutes in the dark, pretending I'm on the phone with someone and be very alert with my surroundings. It is creepy, I mean very creepy.
I need a guardian angel to escort me home abd give me safety. I guess I need to soften down a little bit and not be so strong. Crap... This is me and I can't be soft in any ways. I'm just too strong, deal with it. Just live with all the unsafe and creepy feelings I have.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Gosh.... I chicken out on telling him the truth about my feelings. I called him and told him that I'm just calling to say hi and hang up very quickly after a small talk....
I'm such a coward... I mean I can just walk up to a stranger and talk but why I can't I tell him about my feeling.... Stupid... very stupid

Saturday, September 5, 2009

unhappy friendship

I'm getting mad with some people around here and that makes me very irritated due to hating someone is very tiring but I have to treat her very very nice because it is her b'day today. I have to be nice i guess. I hate acting because I'm lying to others and myself. Do I still want to be her friend because I don't want to have enemies.

Another issue is to tell him that I likes him for a long long time. I have not tell him about this matter because I don;t want to lose him as a friend since I have been his friend for about 2 years. I'm afraid I might lose him as a friend if I tell him about how I feel about him.
Do give me an advice on how to confess to him?