Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The unshine star

A friend told me today there is a star watching over us and represents us. Once you meet the Right star, my star going to shine like it never would within this year. Therefore we imply a bet starting today the Feb 3, 2010 and ends on the Feb 3, 2011 that I would find THE STAR that would shine up my star like it never shines before. My friend was so sure that I would find someone this year would help me forget my past, but deep down inside me I do not believe that but I wanted to believe him so much I'm not sure what to believe anymore.

Is really finding the right star would help forget my unpleasant experience? I doubt it but I want to happen so I could experience what I have not experience before. Experimenting is one great experience that only you can understand yourself.

My star have not been shining lately because of my horrible experience and I can't let it go. I tried so hard but it does come back and haunt me once in a while that would ruin my whole plan and emotions. I really hope this star would come and repair my not shining star that is desperately needed to re-shine itself to the world.

I sure people still thinks my star is shining because I have put an mask over it for disguise. Hiding from others and running away from others and hoping someone going to come after me, but so far no one is doing that. I'm just running forward away from everyone. Further and further, and further away from people. I may be still around people but not my star.

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