Thursday, May 13, 2010

not happy during happy moments

graduation, vacation, family visiting, and birthdays should be happy moments
unfortunately, not mine. this graduation trip with my parents in San Diego and Las Vegas has not been pleasant. Tears and arguments constant throughout this trip. i have another 6 days with them and i am afraid i will hate them so much that i will never want to talk to them and they will hate me enough that they will disagree with my choices and never want to support me anymore. i really want to be independent but i can't for the meanwhile, however our relationship are not going well AT ALL.
i am ready to head home and hope everything can get back to before the graduation where they are not here. i know the more i love the more i hate... this i totally the case, and i don't want this to head to that case right now

plus the aunt are not helping at all.. she is fucking annoying!!!!!!!!!!!

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