Sunday, August 22, 2010

Is this my happy ending?

sometimes I felt worthless. I felt you do not appreciate me at all. You do not spend time to make me happy you just stay away from me and sleep in the other room. Am I really that worthless for you to come and make me laugh again. You always you want me to be happy but whenever I am really unhappy you stay away from me sight and kept quiet. That do not make me happy, just make me feel the way I am feeling right now.

I understand you have been through a lot with your previous relationships. But what make this a different one. I am sure this is not how you treat someone you care. If you care, you won't be able to sleep so deep and not knowing I am tearing my eyeballs out in the other room. Am i just someone you take as a replacement from your lost? or I am just someone is there for your convenience? Whenever your family told me about your exs being mean to you and you are happy with me right now. I was very thrill that I am sure I have made a correct decision to stay with you. But this is getting overrated for me to keep up.

We talked about your previous girlfriends. You said you treated them the way you treated me. I do not think so. I am not sure if I moved away from Edmond you are still going to drive every week to see me like you did before.

We have been dating for 5 months, you never put our picture together on Facebook, even though it is saying you are in a relationship with me. Plus, I always try to post my feelings on there but you never pay attention or even care enough to read. Lately, I have been feeling my heart is going to stop on me or just an empty heart chamber in my chest.

Before I met you, I have been through some unfortunate incident that will always haunt me forever. But I am trying my best to not effect our relationship. I know it can be too much nonsense sometimes but I cannot help it. You never mention anything about that incident, if just seems like you do not care. Remember, when we visited your grandparents in July. We had a stupid little fight and you told me you wanted to cry but you can't. I want to tell you that it's because you do not care enough about me to cry for me and I think I have cared too much to cry almost once a week. I always tell myself no point of crying but warm tears just start to overflow.

I may not have any experience about love but I really hope this is a happy ending for me.

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