Friday, October 23, 2009

22th birthday and OSU homecoming

That an amazing fall break that I had. I went to Oklahoma State University (OSU) homecoming. I drove up to about an hour to meet my buddies up in OSU. Fun... fun... fun... the walk around was crowded and there were a lot of different food and float designed. then we went to McDonald for dinner.
After that, I went to my friends apartment for a rest, then my friend Lin and Ah Shui came to get to Eskimo Joes to meet up with Chiow Peng. Unfortunately, he wasn't there, therefore we went to Stonewall, a pub nearby Eskimo Joe's.
Ah Shui (Walter)The party at StonewallChiow PengLin and her friends
There I had a couple drinks and meet luckily be able to meet up with Chiow Peng and his girlfriend. Soon, I met more new friends where they bought me more mix shots, which are very strong. I don;t know how many shots I have had and then can't walk in straight line.
The next day, I went on lunch with Lin and MK at a Japanese restaurant. They serve good food..... hahahahhaaaaa After lunch, we went to the homecoming parade, which is 2 mils long parade. There were a lot of people in at the parade. orange is their color, therefore the fountain is orange in color times...Library and orange fountain Homecoming ParandeOSU marching band.... they were good~~
get back to Edmond, we had a party at the Leng Qin's apartment where they celebrated my birthday for me. they bought me a cake, made Sze Chuan steamboat, and played some games. the best game are truth ot dare where we came up with a lot of bad and evil ideas on how to humiliate people... hua hua hua huaaaaa~~~Truth or Dare: Me confesting to a guy I just met... hahahaaThe group
On Monday night, when others came back from Nebraska, my babies bought me another ice cream cake to celebrate for me. The cake was incredibly delicious.
That's the end of my birthday story and Fall break.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I have lived for 22 years... Now that I realize I have nothing. I don't have the look, the personality, and the friend. The world is so unfair because the not pretty people never get a good treatment from anyone in the world, except your own parents I guess. That is so unfair. I been treating others more that I think I should but people just like to take advantage over that and I'm done. I want to be a mean people in the world and ignore everyone... i don't have anything... I want to be the person I used to be... I'm so lost currently that don;t even know what i should do....

Monday, October 12, 2009

My new mom

My dear dear mommy....
She is heading to Vietnam on the 23rd this month. That is so great.... She going without my daddy or my bro and sis. Aren't that fabulous.... hihihiiii
I felt like I am a mom to my own mother.... She wanted to go have fun at a not so developed country without getting any immunization. I'm so worried that she might get into some bad contagious disease, like Hep B, malaria, swine flu, etc.
I am really worried about my mother... Ever since I start going to college, my mom become more socialize and into a sales business. She is doing great so far in her business and now she earned her trip to Vietnam, but she don;t know the dangerous of the diseases out side.
She better get her shots before leaving though...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

how can this happen?

He died... :'( how can he dies....
He is the cutest, nicest, kind heart hearted, warm hearted....
George O'Malley.... he's died.... *sob sob*
oh by the way, he is TR Knight one of the actor in the Grey's Anatomy....
he is my favorite.... and he will always be

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

pulling away

I have decided o not go out with him alone because I'm very clear that I don't like him that way. I don't want to hurt anyone and he is too cute to be true. I'm totally pulling myself away from this tragic and b.s issue.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

UCO homecoming + Australian guy

I was our homecoming last week. It was hell a week for me... not just all the test and assignments, all the events going in a week really wear me off. But this is the biggest event of the year and it is the best too.
Well, we had a parade on Saturday morning. Guess what! I was in the parade~~ walking with others and flags... We gather at 9am before the parade and had breakfast. We were actually having a lot of fun just hanging out in the International Office. Then we head out to the parking lot, where the parade starts. In this parade, I met a couple new friends. One of them are from Australian, cute and nice, but young. We talked throughout the parade, decent talk though.
After the parade, we all headed back to the International Office and had more snacks and drinks. Then we made an announcement about the tailgate, which is an event with free food, free drink, free stuffs, and free games. It is also an event before the homecoming football game. So I had a blast at the tailgate with my babies and my new buddies too.
Around 1.50pm, we all entered the Wantland Stadium and get a third row, front row. Then the game started with out incredible marching band, cheer (flipping, jumping, stretchy), and dance, it was hot~~. The game started good with Broncho scored first and soon they caught up and finally we lost 31-23. I'm very sad and ashame by losing the homecoming game.
That evening, I went to the Homecoming Hockey game. We have a good team of hockey players. and this time , we won by 7-2.. awesome right??? oh I missed a very important point, I was with the Australian guy all day long.
Towards the end of the hockey game, Australian guy came suddenly asked me out. What a shock!!! He's 2 years younger than me, but he is cute and we were able to have great discussions though. At that point, I kinda rejected his invitation, but I was still thinking about it. hihihihiiii
Then, we went to on of the American's house and party~~~ We drink and talked and had lots of fun. We practically hanging out with the Australian guy all night long too. Then he sent me back home, then I gave him a goodnight hug and he asked that question again, this time I said yes and maybe next weekend. Then he gave me a goodnight kiss on my forehead. awkward.... But I was very excited yet nervous, thus awkward...... a whole bunch of mixed feelings.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

the innocent me~

On Friday, right before my Performance Training Class. I had a discussion with my fellow classmates. There were 4 girls (including myself) and a boy. They were talking about their sex life~~~ wow! I said.
But I stayed and listen and observe. They were basically asking about who should take the initiative in asking to "do it"! Then one of the girls said, at first in her relationship the boy asked for it, then he said you should tell when you need it too. Then the female tried to ask and tell what and when she needs it. Now, she's complaining that, she has been the one asking for it. She said it is not fair.
All of a sudden, my guy classmate asked me, "So Chewy, what do you think? What is your experience?" oh ou... I turned red and said, "I have been single all my life..." and try to avoid any eye contact with anyone. so embarrassing... oh my gosh~~~ Another girl defended for me saying, "Please guys, don't corrupt Chewy's innocent mind." But I can see his face was shock!! ever since that discussion, he looked at me like I'm too innocent.

Then at night, I went out on a dinner with my roommate in a Thai restaurant. We were looking into the menu, all of a sudden, someone came into the store. It was Jonathan, a guy a went out for two dates and never see him again. It was awkward, but eventually we sat on the same table and had dinner together. It was quite a pleasant meal, surprisingly. Then he said me on another date again if I got time, definitely not a date again, but maybe just hanging out as a friend should be ok.

Am I really that innocent and lonely?